207 research outputs found

    Three-point correlations for quantum star graphs

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    We compute the three point correlation function for the eigenvalues of the Laplacian on quantum star graphs in the limit where the number of edges tends to infinity. This extends a work by Berkolaiko and Keating, where they get the 2-point correlation function and show that it follows neither Poisson, nor random matrix statistics. It makes use of the trace formula and combinatorial analysis.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Form factor for large quantum graphs: evaluating orbits with time-reversal

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    It has been shown that for a certain special type of quantum graphs the random-matrix form factor can be recovered to at least third order in the scaled time \tau using periodic-orbit theory. Two types of contributing pairs of orbits were identified, those which require time-reversal symmetry and those which do not. We present a new technique of dealing with contribution from the former type of orbits. The technique allows us to derive the third order term of the expansion for general graphs. Although the derivation is rather technical, the advantages of the technique are obvious: it makes the derivation tractable, it identifies explicitly the orbit configurations which give the correct contribution, it is more algorithmical and more system-independent, making possible future applications of the technique to systems other than quantum graphs.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures, accepted to Waves in Random Media (special issue on Quantum Graphs and their Applications). Fixed typos, removed an overly restrictive condition (appendix), shortened introductory section

    Diagonal approximation of the form factor of the unitary group

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    The form factor of the unitary group U(N) endowed with the Haar measure characterizes the correlations within the spectrum of a typical unitary matrix. It can be decomposed into a sum over pairs of ``periodic orbits'', where by periodic orbit we understand any sequence of matrix indices. From here the diagonal approximation can be defined in the usual fashion as a sum only over pairs of identical orbits. We prove that as we take the dimension NN to infinity, the diagonal approximation becomes ``exact'', that is converges to the full form factor.Comment: 9 page

    Quantum ergodicity for graphs related to interval maps

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    We prove quantum ergodicity for a family of graphs that are obtained from ergodic one-dimensional maps of an interval using a procedure introduced by Pakonski et al (J. Phys. A, v. 34, 9303-9317 (2001)). As observables we take the L^2 functions on the interval. The proof is based on the periodic orbit expansion of a majorant of the quantum variance. Specifically, given a one-dimensional, Lebesgue-measure-preserving map of an interval, we consider an increasingly refined sequence of partitions of the interval. To this sequence we associate a sequence of graphs, whose directed edges correspond to elements of the partitions and on which the classical dynamics approximates the Perron-Frobenius operator corresponding to the map. We show that, except possibly for subsequences of density 0, the eigenstates of the quantum graphs equidistribute in the limit of large graphs. For a smaller class of observables we also show that the Egorov property, a correspondence between classical and quantum evolution in the semiclassical limit, holds for the quantum graphs in question.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figur

    No quantum ergodicity for star graphs

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    We investigate statistical properties of the eigenfunctions of the Schrodinger operator on families of star graphs with incommensurate bond lengths. We show that these eigenfunctions are not quantum ergodic in the limit as the number of bonds tends to infinity by finding an observable for which the quantum matrix elements do not converge to the classical average. We further show that for a given fixed graph there are subsequences of eigenfunctions which localise on pairs of bonds. We describe how to construct such subsequences explicitly. These constructions are analogous to scars on short unstable periodic orbits.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure

    Intermediate wave-function statistics

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    We calculate statistical properties of the eigenfunctions of two quantum systems that exhibit intermediate spectral statistics: star graphs and Seba billiards. First, we show that these eigenfunctions are not quantum ergodic, and calculate the corresponding limit distribution. Second, we find that they can be strongly scarred by short periodic orbits, and construct sequences of states which have such a limit. Our results are illustrated by numerical computations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Final versio